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Visio presents Garden of Cultures



This output will be realised in a form of an edible installation presenting the meanings and uses of plants in different cultures, which will be designed and produced by the immigrant learners of Vihreä Sivistysliitto / Visio’s courses. A series of workshops and lectures will be built around its themes.

The Garden of Cultures -production will build on experiences of previous permacultural and urban gardening experiments in Visio’s immigrant education, which have proved to be successful in several means: connection to the earth, and a sense of concrete achievements, is appreciated by people living in urban areas, and especially those living in stressful inbetween -situations such as waiting for the verdicts on asylum applications. Furthermore, these people of migrant backgrounds are in disadvantaged positions, in relation to the dominant populations, having less opportunities to contribute to their living environment. This project will give them power over public space: they will be able to leave their marks to the shared environment, and their actions will have a positive impact on many people who share these spaces.
In addition to the production of the installation, Visio will arrange a series of workshops and lectures for the wider audience on relevant themes as a part of Visio’s course calendar, and give an opportunity for the people of migrant backgrounds to share their knowledge as educators.

These educational events will include:
- March 2021: Battle against food loss and waste – a cooking event (3 hours + planning and preparation)
- May-June 2021: Series of workshops on sustainable land use (20 hours + planning and preparation)
- September 2021: Open lecture and webinar on food safety (2 hours + planning and preparation)
- May 2022: “Guerilla gardening” in public and semi-public spaces (3 hours + planning and preparation)

The topics will be specified after the planning workshops with immigrants learners to be connected to the themes of the Garden of Cultures. Each topic will be addressed in Visio's blog and/or podcast, through which, the voice for participants of cultural minorities will be heard. The Garden of Cultures will be built in a way that allows educational events to be held there: the installation will therefore reach more people and increase its impact.

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