Health & Safety issues in Spain
- Right to information.
- Right to education.
- Right of stoppage in the event of serious and imminent risk.
- Right to periodic health surveillance.
- Right of consultation and participation.
- Respect the rules of prevention, you should know.
- Correctly use machines and tools and safety equipment and protection.
- Report immediately to the supervisor any situation which, in his opinion, constitute a hazard to health.
- Ensure safety and proper health, peers and others who may be affected.
- Cooperate with the employer so that you can ensure adequate prevention and protection.
Rights & duties of workers
in the prevention of occupational hazards
Duties of compagnies concerning workers
Duty to inform and train workers about:
Risks around the workplace, and specifically in his post.
Prevention and protection measures in the company applied to these risks: how to act in emergency situations, how to use personal protective equipment, etc.
The proper handling of machines and tools and safety devices. Worker training and information whenever new work equipment is provided, new technologies are introduced or changes position or functions. Training will be theoretical and practical.
In the event of serious and imminent risk, the employer shall take appropriate measures and provide precise instructions. If he did so, representatives of workers may agree by a majority cripple the workforce.
Regularly monitoring of workers state of health with their consent; no permission is required when there is a risk of workers’ health, of their colleagues and third parties.
Consult workers and allow their participation in prevention through their representatives.
Provide equipment and proper protection to workers.
To provide special protection to certain groups: pregnant women, minors, temporary workers and temporary employment.